Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Two MySQL 8.0 Talks this week - DevOps and Features, an upcoming Podcast, and an article on JSON Document Validation

 I have two talks this week on MySQL 8.0 that you can attend virtually. And another session that is one line also plus an article.  Busy week!

First is a follow on to a earlier session I did for the good folks at cPanel want you to register here for MySQL 8.0 changes for DBAs and DevOps on August 12th, 2020  at 2PM CDT. The first talk was mainly for developers and this time I am, heavily covering InnoDB Cluster and features that are of more interest to the folks who keep MySQL instances running.

MergePHP - New MySQL Features That You May Have Missed is on Thursday August 13th at 7:00 Eastern . This is an exciting combination of three MySQL user groups who have joined together for a virtual meeting.

Then on Friday the 14th I am panelist for the JavaScript and Friends conference's panel on keeping your skills relevant in a changing world.

The gold folks at PHP Architect have published and article I

wrote on JSON Document Validation with MySQL  and we are getting setup for me to speak on their podcast on just that subject.